Goin' places that I've never been.
Seein' things that I may never see again.
And I can't wait to get on the road again.
I ended the blog before. I am re-starting it now.
Sorry for the long delay, but I had a job to do. I was Snack Master.
Today, I am not Snack Master. This week, I initialed and signed and dated the documents that made me the late great Snack Master. Removing that title leaves me simply as the Road Tripper, whom once again I shall be.
Thusly, I blog again.
Catching up, I bought the business, ran it for a year and a half, and have now sold it. I sold it for about 55% of what I bought it for. Quite a big loss indeed; however, had I kept my stock and condo two years ago, it probably would have been at least as big of a loss. And considering a lot of my stock was Citigroup, I probably made out better owning the Snack Master business rather than the stock.
I liked the job and being my own boss, but I felt I wasn't making as much money as I wanted, and was also feeling the tug of going out on the road again. Even if it is just for couple of months. I really have no idea what I'll do after this trip, but I'll try to figure that out on the road.
I am moving out of my rental house here in Phoenix at the end of September. I will be training the new owner for the next week, but after that I will focus on all the tasks I need to do to be able to drive out of Phoenix and start seeing the country again. And the tasks are many.
My 'To Do' list currently has 29 items. Most are mundane like submitting a change of address form or changing all my bills to be online bills. But some of the tasks are going to be more time consuming, like running a yard sale or moving all my accumulated keepables into storage.
Anyway, I just wanted to re-establish the blog, and let anyone who checks in every now and then that at the end of September, I will be Road Tripping and posting again,
Road Tripper