Some Random Stuff
Things To Bring On the Ride:1. Books: (This might have to become it's own topic soon.)
2. Phone
3. Camera
4. Tent - TBD??? And then what sterno, generator, hot dogs - I really don't think I am a tent person - I need the shower and TV.
5. Cooler (sm, med, lg?)
6. Golf Clubs - This is a must...but it could eat up a lot of space. I am pretty certain that I can't do this in the SAAB because the trunk is too small. Definitely pointing me to a new vehicle. .
Things to Cancel Before Going:
1. Armando
2. NYTimes - Cancelled 2/1/2007
3. Cable (phone/computer/cable)
4. Gas Electric
5. Mail - well not really cancel, redirect to either a PO box or MaPa
People to Visit On Trip:
1. Relatives:
- Mark
- Kristin
- Cousins - Murphy's, Meyers, Lavins, Greene's
2. The Pierces
3. Seismic
4. Glinwin
Random Places to Visit:
- Chicago
- New Orleans
- Cincinatti
- Arizona
- San Fran
- Grand Canyon
- Yellowstone
- LA
- San Diego
This will be one destination and I wanted to test adding a picture.
People who may join at some point:
- Joey - First trip plan so far - Jersey to Chicago, Wrigley, Drive down the Mississippi River, both sides - New Orleans. From there I either mail him home, and go to AZ, or turn back and hit Atlanta on way to dropping him off and recharging.
- Pierces - I plan to abduct you
Let me know to add you to the list.
What to do with Vader:
- Find new owner - Glinwin? Pierces? Mark/Maria? Jack? Mom? Battlestar/Lisa?
- No kill shelter on Long Island
- Freeze
Some notes from people I want to remember but don't have a place for yet:
1. Living Will, just in case something should happen to you out there on your big adventure. - Glinwin
2. Absentee ballot just in case you're still on your adventure when voting time comes. - Glinwin