Sunday, January 28, 2007


Tomorrow I return to work for the first time since really deciding I am going to quit. My number one rule right now is Don’t Say Anything to Anyone…yet. It’s going to be hard to do, but they really should be the last to know.

I also have to plan what I am going to say when I do quit. Here’s a beginning list:

1. I’m burned out.
2. I didn’t want my current positions. I didn’t ask for it. I asked to transfer to another group, but was not allowed to. I was forced into it. And I really hate it.
3. I find it difficult reporting to someone in Florida and I think it is not a good thing professionally.
4. The whole Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) thing has ruined the enjoyment of the IT profession, especially at banks and brokerages. There is far too much red-tape and paper pushing. Too much bureaucracy to get anything done.
5. I was deceived/lied to about an increase in my bonus this year.
6. I was disrespected in this year’s compensation review. On a year where I moved up 3 level of management, went from managing 5 people to managing 22 people, I should have been given a sharp increase in pay and bonus, instead I got the norm.

If anyone has suggestion of what to say and what not to say, please let me know.

Again – Don’t Say Anything to Anyone…yet.

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