Sunday, March 18, 2007

End of the Bash

A third of the crew is already flying home; those who remain, are idling around the hotel waiting for the afternoon flights home and hoping they haven't been delayed by the northeast snows. All but Battlestar were in the lobby at 7:30 AM, ready to head out for golf. None had gotten to bed before 4 AM. It was decided that if the bachelor didn't have to golf, neither did we...we all skipped golf and went back to the rooms for a few more needed hours of sleep.

It's been a weekend of golf, March Madness, decadent meals, and late night carousing. The four days have sped by...time goes faster when you are drinking from morning til shut-eye. My liver is declaring a cease fire. All the sordid details are being left out to protect the innocent, and to protect the guilty (like myself).

From here, I will be seeing the crew off at the airport and taking one of the rental cars to Orlando to meet up with my family for theme parks. Two more days of Florida sun, before heading home to finish off the trip preparations. Exactly 3 weeks from today before CuzJoe and I head out on the first legs of the road trip.

BTW, the EBay auction on the SAAB has only received 3 bids, and the latest offer is just over 6K. Know anyone who want a convertible?


Anonymous said...

how much for the convertible?

RoadTripper said...

12,500 is really what I expect to get for it, anything above that is icing. The car dealership offered me a low ball 11K for it, which wasn't enough for me.