Boring Oregon, Not Really - Days 97 - 98
I shall sleep soundly in Boring, OR tonight. Boring is a small town just outside of Portland.(Actually, Boring was so un-boring that they didn't have any vacancies, so I am in the town next door that doesn't have an interesting name so it wouldn't make a good first sentence or title for this post.) I checked into a comfortable, clean, almost luxurious Days Inn. I plan to have a very boring evening: watch boring TV, eat boring Domino's Pizza, and update my blog with this (hopefully non-) boring post.
I spent the last couple of days and nights in Umatilla, OR, on the bank of the Columbia River with CaptCuzBill and First Mate Jerry. In a period of less than 36 hours we spent more than 18 hours fishing on the Columbia River. As I sit here typing this I see the screen bobbing up and down. I confirmed with the fishermen yesterday that this is to be expected. After spending a long time on the river, when you get back on solid ground, your vision continues to mimic the bobbing up and down that is felt while out on the rolling river.
Previously I had guessed that this trip would make my mental Top 5 list for Greatest Adventures. Perhaps if I had landed a record setting walleye, or done something as amazing as winning the ID State Walleye Championship, I would put this into the Top 5. But it is not.
But that doesn't take away from how great this adventure really was. I loved it and it gave me knowledge and memories that will last forever, or at least until Alzheimer's sets in next year.
We set out at 7AM, right after I obtained my first ever fishing license. With nearly our first cast, CaptCuzBill and I simultaneously caught some small bass. A good fishing omen. Shortly thereafter, Jerry caught 2 consecutive elusive walleye, the big one weighing in around 4 pounds. His Secret Walleye Fishing Manual was paying off. A great fishing
omen. Around noon a lightning storm (that caused 3 new OR wildfires) rolled in. An overarching bad fishing omen.
Following the storm we had two, 6-hour fishing expeditions. Nary a fish was caught. Certainly nothing worth writing about. And there weren't many nibbles. The most fishing excitement came when someone got snagged on the bottom, when fishing lines got crossed or when CaptCuzBill ran his new prop aground in shallow water.
But that doesn't mean that the trip wasn't fantastic. The actual catching of fish may have been mundane, but being out on the water was exhausting and tiring, yet, strangely exhilarating. CaptCuzBill has a "catching" fishing fanaticism. He is 100% into the chase of more fish. CaptCuzBill once took a trip with just his kids and spent 12 straight hours on this river (though some was just swimming). He said, "It was great. With the two kids in the boat, I was allowed to drop three lines into the water." Avid fisherman (and great father).
But with our lines getting no action, the fishing, like the 100+ heat, was stagnant. FirstMateJerry summed it up well: "After a certain point of no fish, it just isn't fishing any more; it's just stupid." CaptCuzBill readily agreed and had already begun thinking the same thing himself. We all decided the trip was over.
Thanks Bill! I will gladly be your Gilligan again. Keep me informed of your trips in the future. Who knows, I may be available for photography and trolling driving.
I took the scenic route around Mount Hood. Just another stunning landscape that deserves more mention and perhaps a real visit with camping involved. And I rest here near Boring, OR, certainly a misnomer for this beautiful state.
I noticed that The Inqy had a travel piece on "Portland's Pleasures" this morning and I promised to list any good ones. You should check out the port and the lobster pots, the factory outlets of Kittery and kennebunkport is only a few miles down the coast for bush-whacking. that's about all for Portland.
Bob Roberts (the fishing guide I know)called me around 8:30 this evening and wanted to stop by to have a beer with us. I told him that I was home already. He caught a bunch of walleye today down by Boardman which is down river from Irrigon. He also told me the sturgeon are in post spawn which means they are not feeding. He also told me that when you are traveling up river always keep the red markers to your right so when we hit bottom coming down river we should have had the red marker on our left. Make sense? It was great seeing you again. Talk to you soon
Bill (Captcuz)
Hey! Sounds great - the Columbia is a beautiful river...
Mt. Hood - you should try and get up to Timberline
- the hotel up there - it reminded me of the hotel in The Shining. I think there is something related there - can't remember what.
If you leave Portland and go north you can do the Gorge drive (we did it when you visited, but you won't remember)and see some amazing waterfalls - Multnomah Falls being the best of the best.
Another must do is eat/drink at one of the many McMenamins in and around Portland.
My mouth is watering just thinking about it... Burgers are great, and they eat their fries with malt vinegar. Just amazing. And their BEER!!!! Ahhhhhhhh.... Check out their website - they have converted an old school into a hotel, and there is a hotel in Troutdale - I forget what it used to be. OH!! And go to one of their movie houses. Way cool. Eat and drink while watching a movie.... I wish flights had been cheaper - I'd be there right now.
Too bad you missed Saturday market - that was always cool. The Heathman is a nice hotel/restaurant... I'm so jealous. I'm going back to bed.
One more thing -
Great brew pub up there.
I forgot about the wineries - South of Portland.
Well, I'm off. The car's packed. The house is ready for the movers...almost. Within an hour I'll be looping down through NJ to say some goodbyes and then making a beeline to Minneapolis. It is there where I'll meet up with the man on the move and become part of the "RT Road Entourage and Traveling Circus" for the next week or so.
I just realized that this is the first time I've seen you with much stubble. I would have bet that you would have a full-grown beard by now.
Also, I believe buz is suffering the common ailment called Portland dimentia. His suggestions seem alot more like Portland, Maine, then Porlan, Oregon.
Whew...lots of goes:
Buz - see MFox's comment below.
Bill - Thanks again - it was awesome! Next time we go up river some more.
TP - Thanks for the suggestions...I may be coming back here on my wayout of Seattle and if so will be trying them out. And bCollins said yes, the Timberline hotel was in fact used for the outside shots of the hotel in the Shining.
Battlestar - see you tomorrow in Minneapolis. What is your blog address?
MFox - During that camping out phase, I decided to go Grizzly Adams and not shave for a week. I'm surprised Mom didn't comment on it first. It's gone now that I am back in society. Buz had already realized his mistake, but couldn't undo the comment...I can but won' his first sign of senior dimentia.
Ivy schoolers - dEmentia.
BS - safe trip! See you soon. We'll be visiting too.
CCB - I've ALWAYS wanted to visit I-DA-Ho. So, you'll be finding us on your doorstep too. Also, Red Right Return.... red always on your right when returning to the ocean.
Scott, my fault on the dementia thing. I even spell checked it. Oh well. Have fun with BS.
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