Trip Tasks
Things To Bring On the Ride:
1. Books: (This might have to become it's own topic soon.)
- On The Road - Kerouac
- Street Atlases
- Books On Tape - Buz?
- Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck -- his travels across the country with his dog. I remember it as fascinating (like Huck's trip down the Mississippi)-- Buz
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Pirsig
- Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
- Complete Guide to Full-Time RVing: Life on the Open Road by Bill Moeller --Thx Seismic for this and the next 8 - looks like I will be spending some time at Amazon or B&N.
- Road Trip USA: Cross-Country Adventures on America's Two-Lane Highways (Road Trip USA) by Jamie Jensen --Thx Seismic
- 1,000 Places to See Before you Die: A Traveler’s Life List by Patricia Schultz --Thx Seismic
- Route 66 Adventure Handbook by Drew Knowles:
- The Great American Road Trip (Book Brick) by Eric Peterson
- Live Your Road Trip Dream: Travel for a Year for the Cost of Staying Home by Phil White and Carol White
- Road Trip America: A State-by-State Tour Guide to Offbeat Destinations by Andrew F. Wood
- Undiscovered America: 250 Great Places You Might Have Missed by Don W. Martin
- The Most Scenic Drives in America: 120 Spectacular Road Trips by Robert J. Dolezal
2. Phone
3. Camera
4. Tent - TBD??? And then what sterno, generator, hot dogs - I really don't think I am a tent person - I need the shower and TV.
5. Cooler (sm, med, lg?)
6. Golf Clubs - This is a must...but it could eat up a lot of space. I am pretty certain that I can't do this in the SAAB because the trunk is too small. Definitely pointing me to a new vehicle. .
Things to Cancel Before Going:
1. Armando
2. NYTimes - Cancelled 2/1/2007
3. Cable (phone/computer/cable)
4. Gas Electric
5. Mail - well not really cancel, redirect to either a PO box or MaPa
People to Visit On Trip:
1. Relatives:
- Mark
- Kristin
- Cousins - Murphy's, Meyers, Lavins, Greene's
2. The Pierces
3. Seismic
4. Glinwin
Random Places to Visit:
- Chicago
- New Orleans
- Cincinatti
- Arizona
- San Fran
- Grand Canyon
- Yellowstone
- LA
- San Diego
This will be one destination and I wanted to test adding a picture.
People who may join at some point:
- Joey - First trip plan so far - Jersey to Chicago, Wrigley, Drive down the Mississippi River, both sides - New Orleans. From there I either mail him home, and go to AZ, or turn back and hit Atlanta on way to dropping him off and recharging.
- Pierces - I plan to abduct you
Let me know to add you to the list.
What to do with Vader:
- Find new owner - Glinwin? Pierces? Mark/Maria? Jack? Mom? Battlestar/Lisa?
- No kill shelter on Long Island
- Freeze
Some notes from people I want to remember but don't have a place for yet:
1. Living Will, just in case something should happen to you out there on your big adventure. - Glinwin
2. Absentee ballot just in case you're still on your adventure when voting time comes. - Glinwin
Here's one to definitley read -- Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck -- his travels across the country with his dog. I remember at as fascinating (like Huch's trip down the Mississippi)
Hi Dad, thanks for the will be added to the page.
Nice chatting with you...thanks for the this early stage I need it!
or should I sign off Trip, or RoadTripper...I really need to think of something more clever to call this. All suggestions welcome.
FREEZE HER!!! I wanna see what happens. Just take her to Jack's and leave her. He'll never notice.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert M. Pirsig)is another good book.
Steinbeck's book about the dust bowl - damn - what's the name?!)Grapes of Wrath.
Oh - also, it cracks me up - the first thing you have to cancel is Armando....
Yeah, dude, "cancelling" Armando sounds like you're gonna kill him.
Kerouac. Good call. Kickass book. You can borrow mine.
Hell, I'll bring it with us on my leg of the trip.
I'm also going to need a beer fridge of Monster. Otherwise, I'll be asleep the whole time. Especially behind the wheel.
SWZA - perhaps you don't remember, but I already borrowed your Kerouac. I stole it out of your apt like a month ago. Taking it with me!
freeze the cat
Hey - just remembered another author - you had mentioned "walkabout" and it jogged a memory - Bill Bryson!!!
He is an amazing author and HYSTERICAL!!! Just his "travels" and what happens on them. Walk In The Woods is about the Appalachian Trail, In A Sunburned Country is about Australia - Mark might like this too.
Just so funny. Anyway - that's all for now.
do you really think you'll be READING during this trip when you could be exploring or chatting up with the locals?? You won't read two books!!!!
Hi treason's sister,
Treason Pal said she told you about the trip, but I didn't know you would check this out.
I may have a bunch of alone time, so I do think I will do some reading. But perhaps that is a bit ambitious.
Talking to the locals is the thing I want to do the most. I really hope I am not reading because I am chatting them up.
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