Sunday, January 28, 2007

Time to start the actual blog...

So, being methodical as I am, and with the techy background, I have now set up the raw shell of what I want to blog about. Time spent setting up this shell...3 hours. I am thrilled with it so far.

It is helping me consolidate what I am thinking. Hopefully this will aide me greatly in both the impetus to undertake the trip, as well as the obvious...trip planning.

So far, I have set up a gMail account and created this blog. I first started to brain storm, then an hour into that, it all started to steam roll in my mind. And after pulling together 10 pages of hand scribbled ideas, it led me to decide to start a blog on this.

Actually, I first started thinking I needed to create a Power Point presentation. But as I continued to storm ideas, I began to think that was a bit limiting, because what I would like to take a stab at is not a straight forward as a .ppt file. It is more free-form that that.

A website would really be better than this, but then again, I just started.

Lots to learn. Much more to think about. My brain is totally buzzing. This is great. Really, I haven't been this excited in a long time. I feel different; this is good.

I am forcing a hard stop now...I could write all night, but the sensory overload is hyping me up even more.

Anyway, this was just supposed to be a test...just kept writing and couldn't stop.

Hi Mom!!!!


RoadTripper said...

Way cool! Glad you agree...but I knew you'd agree.

kristinrmchu said...

Powerpoint? you really do need a vacation.