Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blah Blah Brandywine - Day 54

I took to the road with my parents for a day trip to the Brandywine Valley scenic byway. About an hour southwest of home, on the border of PA and DE, is a short scenic drive that was touted as unforgettable. At only a dozen miles, we could have driven in about 20 minutes.

We stopped first at Longwood Gardens, a horticultural display garden. Because I had been there a few years ago, and because we didn't want to commit to the hours it would take to explore a reasonable portion of the grounds, but mainly because it was a sweaty 90 degrees, we simply went through the visitor center, saw the 4 minute video presentation, perused the shopping area and returned to the road for the next attraction.

The next attraction was the Winterthur Estate and museum. This was a DuPont family property, as practically the entire state of Delaware was. The tram tour of the gardens was pretty good, made better by a loquacious tour guide, but early spring was surely a better time to catch the blooms. The tour of just a part of the 170+ room mansion, was a bit longish. I suppose if I were a history buff, or if I had a greater appreciation for antiques, I would have more enjoyed all the possessions we saw. But I'm neither, so it was just a somewhat interesting tour. Lets just say DuPont is not Hearst, and the Hearst castle was much more entertaining.

The best part of the excursion was spending the entire day with just me and my parents, something we really haven't done much of lately. We had a nice dinner at PF Changs, and then came home and watched the National Spelling Bee. I am not smarter than those eighth graders.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The 6 M's - Day 51

First some numbers:

  • I have travelled 8,855 miles in 50 days.
  • That means I am averaging 177.1 miles per day in the car.
  • I have been averaging 46.5 miles per gallon.
  • Thus, I have used 190.4 gallons of fuel.
  • I estimate that I have averaged paying about $2.95 per gallon of gas. I have paid as much as $3.71 per gallon, but that was a remote area. The price has been steadily rising all across the country.
  • With those numbers, it means that I have spent about $562 for fuel. Pretty cheap I think for what I have seen. (Actuaries MFox and B-girl and CPA's Buz and Sis, feel free to crunch these numbers and confirm that I did the math right.)
  • I have been doing this for 7 weeks, but I have spent 2 full weeks in Phoenix, and 1 week in San Francisco, 3 days in Chicago, and 4 days in New Orleans. Outside of that, on real Road Trip days, I put between 300 and 500 miles on the odometer.
  • When staying in hotels, I have been paying between $45 and $200 a night, with an average somewhere around $80 a night. Hotel prices can fluctuate wildly based on many factors.
  • ORBC went up $2.22 on the NASDAQ Friday. C was up $0.22. As I now have an annual salary of $0.00, anything helps. A wild guess estimate is that I am spending about $200 a day so far. I estimate I could probably keep Road Tripping for 2 or 3 years before being truly destitute. I have previously stated that I plan to do this through August, but as of now, I am enjoying it so much, and have so much more I want to do, I think I might need to add September into the mix. (Sorry Mom).
  • I have been in 19 states (NJ, PA, OH, WV, KY, IN, IL, MO, AR, MI, LA, TX, NM, AZ, CO, UT, CA, NY, CT). Of those, for me, the states I had never been to before are MO, AR, TX, AZ, UT. Just been in one country so far, unless the walk across the Rio Grande in TX to Mexico doesn't count for me.
  • When travelling, I average about 5 hours of sleep a night, and find I am fully functional on about 4. A year ago, I would never be able to believe I could make a statement like that.
  • It takes me between 20 minutes and 4 hours to create a blog entry. It depends on what I did during the day, how inspired I am, and what is on TV while writing the blog.
  • I smile 92.4 percent of the time. Otherwise, I am sticking food into my mouth. (I can't even guess the average price of food, and will eventually use my credit card receipts to get a better picture.
  • Speaking of pictures, I have taken and uploaded somewhere around 750 pictures. There are a few more that I have taken and not posted for various reasons, but for the most part, they're all there to be viewed. I found out that Buz and a few other regular readers had no idea that there are more photos on the website below the previous posts links. So if you haven't seen it yet, on the right side of the blog, you can see a list with links like "Day 45" that are additional photos beyond the few I post inside the regular blog posts.
  • I have a funky counter on the blog that tells me that people look at my blog more on Mondays than any other day of the week, and practically nobody looks at my blog during the weekend. Last Sunday, 19 unique people clicked on my blog. Last Monday, 52 people did. The most ever was 68. I think I know almost everyone who logs on other than about a dozen or so that are out there lurking and I assume a bunch of them are "bots" trolling for credit card numbers or the like.
  • Yesterday I was 38. Today I am 39. Thanks Mom and Dad for starting me on this longer journey. Thanks Aunt Sue for never missing sending me a birthday card.

There are a few other numbers I am forgetting that I wanted to add to a post about numbers, but as I said, I am forgetting the ones I want to add. I'll update them as I remember them


On to today. I headed out of Old Saybrook leaving the wedding festivities behind. It being Memorial Day, I was re-routed around the town's parade and was forced to take the back roads along the Long Island Sound. The east coast holds some beautiful scenery also, and this was an area I had never been to.

I arrived at my 4 nieces house around noon. It was opening day at the swim club, so I pulled on my brothers bathing suit and joined them for a swim, splash, dive and flip. It was also the opening weekend of summer for their club and every family that has kids was there to take advantage of the extravagant festivities, the highlight for the kids being the bouncy moon walk and poofy slide.

Their dinner was a BBQ buffet with a dozen slaws and side salads that were enough of an excellent meal all by themselves, but they also had the standard burgers and dogs accompanied by some pretty good salmon, ribs, 3 types of chicken, corn on the cob, and mozzarella sticks that my sister-in-law has a particular fondness for. As far as buffets go, it was first class.

I kept the nieces up late reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azekban. I am truly blessed with 5 perfect nieces and 1 awesome nephew. Another number for you - Total diapers I have changed in my life: 0.

All around, it was a great birthday. Thanks to all who wished me a Happy Birthday...fortunately, your wish was granted.

Week 7 Ends

End of Week 7. (11:00 PM, PST - 5/24/07)

The Prius has been left in SF, so there will be no additional mileage added until I pick it up on June 9th. So next week I will be posting this same picture. BTW, in case you hadn't figured it out, I am posting these weekly photos to show the mileage I have accumulated, which is in the lower right hand corner of each of these. (I am not posting these to show a big number zero.) Since I left on day one with the odometer at 1,096, and it is now at 9,951, any actuary could tell you that I have gone 8,855 miles.

It's Over - They're Married - Day 50

Battlestar and B-girl are married. It's Day 1 for them...about a million to go. The ceremony was touching, short, humorous and sweet. They did not set the land record for the shortest ceremony, but they were in the running and made a valient effort.

The reception was long, but not nearly long enough. By the time the lights were turned up, most of the guests were still in the groove having noshed on the excellent surf and turf, filled up and decimated the candy bar, danced for hours and were still left wanting for the beautiful, esoteric, and exuberant festivities to continue.

Not much else needs to be said. So here are some photos.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

By This Time Tomorrow... - Day 49

I flew home to Philly. Mimi and buz picked me up last night at PHX and brought me home. It hasn't been long since I last saw them, only 6 weeks, but the feeling of being in my home, well not really my home, but the closest I have to a home, is a great feeling. Like seeing the Grand Canyon, words can't describe it. Love.

Anyway, after that reunion, I borrowed their car and headed up to Old Saybrook for the nuptials of Battlestar and B-girl. By this time tomorrow they will be wedded in everlasting, eternal, forever, no questions asked matrimonial bliss. Love.

Forty faces. Forty faces of friends. People I have known for so long and not seen for just a speck of time. But traversing the country makes it feel like it has been years, and seeing everyone at once is powerful. Many beers, gin and tonics, gins with no tonic, hurricanes, wine, more wine, Irish coffee, more gin, and just a few more beers...what was I saying...sorry, lost my train of thought.

Anyway, we are all here to watch Battlestar and B-girl get married. After that, me and 6Pack will be the only bachelors left in the crew. Scary. The nearly unbelievable fact that none of my close friends have ever separated is a wonder to us all and a streak I hope will never be broken.

The proud parents of Battlestar have had a busy year. Between weddings and new grandchildren, they are having a year to remember. Congrats!!

B. Schwarts orchestrated cocktails and dinner at a nearby establishment that had a Nawlins flavor, and the huge appetizers whetted our appetites for the onslaught of enormous, tasty chef specialty entrees that left half the plates unfinished only because there was no room in the belly to fit all the sumptuous meals.

We'll (including Battlestar) golf tomorrow before the evening wedding. We'll all dress pretty, and come out the other end of the festivities lubricated and smiling...but tomorrow night, Battlestar and B-girl will be married. Happily ever after...and hopefully they will be in Seattle soon after so I can go visit them....we'll see.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Interludes and Returning to the Trip - Day 46

Today - nothing. 9 holes in the morning with Sis, a ham and cheese sandwich in the toaster oven for lunch, a nap, ice cream with Ries, takeout Thai, and I finally caught the finale of Heroes (best new TV series of the season).

Tomorrow - 9 or 18 more holes in the morning, a nap, dinner perhaps with Seismic and Sis and perhaps a pre-birthday cup cake dessert. Oh, and I need to pack.

Early Friday, I will be flying back to the East Coast. Leaving the Prius, the GPS, the maps and most of my "house" behind, I will be spending the next two weeks on a vacation away from my road trip.

The main purpose of this trip is to attend the ceremonies and last rights of Battlestar and B-girl's wedding. After which, I will be catching up with those I've driven away (from). I might try to take a separate sojourn during that period, but it isn't a priority. I'll likely post some details of the days during that time, but again, not a priority.

But not to worry for those of you (AuntSue) who are actually following this blog, after those two weeks, I will be back in San Francisco and have already began planning out my next excursion.

This is totally open to change, but right now, I am thinking I head north from SF and check out Oregon. From there I am hoping the wedded Battlestars have hit Seattle, and I would like to stop over with them and welcome them to the left coast. I am thinking Vancouver Canada will be my first city in a foreign land. I'd follow that with Calgary and a downhill journey through Montana, the Rockies, and whatever follows before a brief layover back at the Treasons in Phoenix.

After that, I am eyeing a bizarre journey into Mexico. About a thousand miles later, I may join up with Sis and her family in Puerto Vallarta at a house they are renting. And after all that, I'm not sure if I'll trek back up through Mexico to my base in Phoenix or meander east to the southern states. Or if I think it is safe, South is an option...who knows, perhaps I'll drive to Ecuador.

So be patient, and I'm sure I'll have the new and exciting happening again after the old and exciting of the Northeast.

Sorry, no pictures today.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Acting the Tourist in Frisco - Day 45

Actually, the locals don't call it Frisco, but hey, I'm not a local. Today I was a tourist. When I live here about a hundred years ago, I had guests visiting almost every month. As their tour guide, on day one, I would take them on a tour of the city. (Days 2 through 7 were spent in Napa.) Today, I took myself on a short version of the city tour.

Lombard Street is still crooked, and some of the best views of the city are still found at Coit Tower. Perhaps I'd never really appreciated the beauty of this city, but being on this extended Road Trip, I think I have a finer appreciation for scenery. San Francisco is better than I remembered, and I suppose it doesn't hurt that it is unusually warm and sunny - no fog to be found here today.

After Coit, I drove down to Fisherman's Wharf for a glance around, but I'm not entirely a tourist so I didn't need to walk around. I did however stop at the Buena Vista. The Buena Vista may make the best Irish Coffee in the world (B. Schwartz would have a grand appreciation for the bartender's craft and creations.) While there, I ran into a B. Collins who is down from Portland working on a Hewlett Packard commercial with Serena Williams. He offered to point me in the right direction when travelling in Oregon, and I hope to take him up on his offer of a kayak tour of the waters around Portland. I had a second Irish Coffee....excellent!

After stopping for a few pictures of the bridge, I headed back to Sis' place to await my babysitting duties. Seismic and I will be having sushi for dinner...I have been waiting 9,000 miles for San Francisco sushi, and I'm sure it will have been worth the wait. Mmmmmm, sushi.

Week 6 Ends

End of Week 6. (1:00 PM, PST - 5/20/07) (forgot to post this on Sunday, so it's a bit out of order, but the milage is correct for EOW)

SF Bonds and Relatives - Days 43-44

I drove to SF with my sister when I was 22. It is the single most critical turning point in my sister's post college life. Had I not moved here, there is little chance that Sis would have. Had she not moved here, there is no chance that she'd have met Dix. Had they not met, we'd have no ReMax.

It was all my doing. After taking my bow, I have to admit it has worked out pretty well for me here. I have the equivalent of a condo down here in the basement. It is complete with high speed WiFi Internet, access to a very well stocked bar, all the amenities, tivo (though primarily there are cartoons recorded) and a huge Plasma HDTV. Feels like home...until 6:22AM when I am awakened by a flying knee to the groin by a well intentioned 5 year old.

After a Sunday ensconced in my normal familial duties (playing the buffoon, teaching dirty jokes, and tickle torture to the point where I am given a "time-out"), I had this sunny Monday morning to myself. Since this is the first time I was in a city with Citi branches, I headed out to complete a few tasks lingering from the close of my condo sale. I drove west on Geary for a while, then doubled back to pass through the Presidio. I caught a glimpse of the the Golden Gate and a full-on look at Alcatraz as I headed for Lombard street. I realized I didn't bring my camera along, so I intentionally didn't go down the crooked part of the street. Up Van Ness, I found the Citi branch, and decided to slip back to base before becoming too distracted. I realize now, I must become bit of a tourist here again.

I had Pho for lunch. I overspent and got the #1 for $8. I walked out with about 3 pounds of food. I asked Sis how to prepare it and she said, "First we need a big bowl". She got out a mixing bowl you could toss a large salad in. She then instructed me to drop the five types of meat in first, add the noodles, then pour in the half gallon of soup broth. Top it off with the 6 packets of veggies, peppers and sauces. I ate half of it and looked 6 months pregnant.

After my food coma nap, Sis and I headed to the ball park. Dix had purloined tickets from his boss in the 4th row behind first base. Nice seats. SF vs. HOU. My fantasy baseball team had acquired B. Bonds yesterday, so I was scouting the steroid inflamed slugger. As far as fantasy baseball goes, having your team on steroids or HGH is really a good thing. BTW, best ball park I've ever been to.

With this post, I am leaving the pictures as the size they upload. Let me know if the bigger pictures are better? But, it may be too slow to be worth it for me.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Shorthand Continued - Days 41-42

Day 41: I awoke before dawn in Santa Barbara, CA, and went across the street to the beach to seek out the sun rise. I couldn't find it. The morning fog was so dense as to conceal it entirely.

Seismic and I went to breakfast at a Cajun diner where the local police eat. I had an amazing blackened catfish eggs may not sound it, but it is a tasty combination. After a trip to the bookstore to replace my lost and essential Scenic Highways bible, we headed north on Route 1. With scenic views of the ocean on the left and a variety of hills and cliffs and forests and farms on the right, the Pacific Coast Highway is a ride to be appreciated. We overnighted near San Simeon, at the foot of Hearst Castle. A short stroll from our lodging netted us: the Pacific Ocean, the sea glass guy, a little alcove of climbing rocks, imaginary whales, and a spectacular sunset with rays refracting through a mild haze, and the sun dipping into the ocean just to the west of a jetty of piled rocks. Shoulda brought some beers. A dinner of four appetizers and a dessert of dense cheesecake and Irish coffee topped off the evening.

Day 42: Hearst Castle. We spent the morning touring it and imagining what it would be like to
be rich beyond comprehension. The crazy things that were done to create this beautiful, unbelievable extravagance, WOW. Preserved as it is, it does bring you back to a time and feel of the era and the legends and immortals who filtered through it. From there we were headed to S.F., Route 1 all the way. Seismic has lived there for the last 15 years and was surprised and delighted the undiscovered overlooks, hidden restaurants and towns, forests secluded along the coast and a tourist popular waterfall that all were a day trip from her city. Heady stuff.

From 11AM Wednesday through 8PM Saturday; Phoenix through the desert to Joshua Tree;
the forgettable San Bernadino; Santa Barbara; Solvang up Route 1 and the coast to Cambria; Heast Castle and home; 1000 wonderfilled miles. Thank you Seismic. Wine country? Yosemite? Perhaps Bryce Canyon...they say it's the best.

Tomorrow Max is off to school, and Sis has Ries, and Dix is at work. Wake me for dinner.

Coast to Coast and Catching Up On - Day 40

I arrived in San Francisco tonight, city of sourdough, Alcatraz, sushi, Lombard Street, Chinatown, cable cars, scenic views wherever you are, Seismic, Sis, Dix and the ReMax duo. It’s great to be back here again. When I left New Jersey it seems a year and a half ago, I didn’t really think about it. But when I arrived here tonight, I realized it. For the first time on this trip, I am back in a city that I am familiar with, that I know. It’s not home, but it is closer than I have been in a long while.

My apologies for not posting before now. When on the road with someone, it’s hard to say them, “Excuse me, but I am going to Blog now, so I won’t be able to handle a normal conversation or even acknowledge that you are speaking to me. So, please stand by for the next hour or three.” Fortunately, CuzJoe seemed to drop off early enough that I had a bit of time, but Seismic was already on West Coast Time, so I wasn’t able to keep up.

I need to catch up on the last few days. And, because this is for me, and not you, I’ve decided to do this in shorthand.

Here’s the update for Day 40: Before leaving the Yucca Valley and Larry’s, Seismic and I hiked and drove around the hills a bit, then through the largest windmill farm I could ever imagine. West to where the brontosaurus eyed my car, and we had bad cherry pie recommended by the book. The San Fernando National Park was a bit of a bust…we think it might be an amazing place when the snow from the ski resort is melting and creating waterfalls, but all we saw were dry washes followed by a standard smallish ski resort passing the summer. We followed this by taking in the true adventure of L.A. traffic…I fully support a law that requires drivers to use hands-free telephone devices when driving near L.A. At Ventura, CA I reached the Pacific Ocean for the first time…I admit, I was a bit touched by this…it’s been a such a long, long drive from Hoboken, through plush lands of the Midwest, onto the arid and beautiful deserts of TX, NM, AZ, AZ, AZ, AZ and CA, that when finally I saw the Pacific, the powerful vastness of an OCEAN was moving…I teared up. Seismic netted us a superior room in Santa Barbara, and we saw the set sun. We had fish, fish, and the best fried clams ever. Not quite around the world in 40 days, but not bad either.

That’s a lot for a paragraph, but it was a very full day. I’ll catch up the following days in the upcoming days.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Joshua Tree - Day 39

I left the Treason's today after a two-and-a-half week stay. Granted, I went walkabout for 4 days, but for the most part, I recuperated, reorganized and reinvigorated myself for the next legs of the trip. I could write about how the Tresons were great hosts, or how needed it was that I stopped over in AZ with them, but they know it, and most people don't care. Thanks Treasons!

So let's get back to the Road Trip. I picked Seismic up at PHX this morning and we went back to the Treason's for lunch and a meet and greet. Then Seismic and I put the Prius back into action and headed for the left coast. Desert driving on Route 10.

Any interstate highway running East to West that is evenly divisible by 10, is not a good way to see the country. But, sometimes there is a farm state or in this case a desert to cross, and you just have to get it behind you as quick as possible.

After about four straight hours of scattered towns or no towns crossing from AZ to CA, we were at the main entrance to the Joshua Tree National Park. Because it was late in the day, our pass through this park was relatively quick, but we were able to take in the vast array of flora. The "garden" of cholla (pronounced choya) cacti was remarkable, but the Dr. Seuss-like Joshua Trees in all their variety and peculiar angels are a vegetation unto themselves. We we were able to admire the scenery in the middle of the road for about 10 minutes saying nothing; and hearing nothing.

We arrived just before sunset at UncleLarry's. It's actually CuzJoe's uncle that is the gracious owner of the peaceful place we are occupying. CuzBeth, thanks so much for helping as the go-between. The house is tucked up against the hills of the town of Yucca Valley, CA and is just on the outskirts of the park. This house is far enough from the coast that it has the feel of sanctuary, yet is also close enough that you don't have to waste half the day getting here (unless you're coming from Phoenix). We wandered west down a trail for the last moments of the sunset.

We had dinner at an Italian joint called Steffano's. Seismic had coaxed this place out of a local after we snickered at two separate recommendations of "Applebee's". The parking lot was full and we only got a spot when another car pulled out. The place wasn't as full as the parking lot indicated; but, the food was as good as the parking lot indicated.

We ordered a carafe of the house Chianti and we were instructed (by Steffano himself I think) to take in the aromas. It was excellent After a beautifully presented, but so-so tasting prosciutto-wrapped melon appetizer, the main courses came out and were superb. I had tortellini in a white cream sauce that I would be raving about were in not for the fact that Seismic's meal was so much better. She ordered "the next to last" special of the day and was rewarded with something that though it looked like thick ravioli in red sauce, was actually delicate pasta wrapping a buttery, cheesy filling that was so well made I can't remember a better Italian dish in years. Total bill with a 20% tip: $65. It's always nice to be reminded you are out of the New York City price ranges.

For the first time on this trip, it was a GREAT star night. We are far enough from L.A. that it's light doesn't interfere, and the moon must be on the other side of the Earth. There are hundreds, nay thousands, of stars up there shining as brilliant as I have seen this year. I'll be bothering UncleLarry again later this summer, if not for more of this place, then at least for a night out in the city of angels. Thank you UncleLarry!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Week 5 Ends

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!! I hope you like my new tattoo!

End of Week 5. (10:30AM, GMT - 5/12/07)

Snakehandler and Psychics - Battlestar and B-girl - Days 34 - 36

First let me give you all the update on the status of Battlestar and B-girl. Upon arrival in Phoenix, it was virtually certain that they would be moving from the Northeast to the Northwest...Seattle bound. Battlestar has already resigned his job, and B-girl was planning on doing it Monday. However, shortly after arrival, B-girl received a new, and potentially better, job offer in CT from a new bidder. It became only a somewhat likely probability that they would make the west coast jump. Fortunately, the Treason's and (primarily) I have been able to convince them of how great an idea it is to make "The Big Leap". And, as of now, I'm sure you'll all be glad to hear that they are back to the virtual certainty of Seattle. Oh, and they're still getting married.

The weekend started and ended with Battlestar and I out on the golf course. We played Friday at the Nick Faldo Wildfire course and I shot 100 without losing a ball; BS shot 109 and lost a dozen balls. By today, BS had straightened out his

swing and was on pace for around 92-94, but we had to leave after 14 holes to get them to their flight on-time. My cumulative score for the round is irrelevant.

We brought them back to Tonto for dinner. I'd love to say how incredible the food was, but I was beginning a stretch of GIRD. I didn't really eat for 24 hours, and I puked a few times. You'll have to trust the crowd consensus of approval. B-girl was so impressed with the dessert list that we ordered Tres Leches and Cheesecake Brulee to go (we didn't eat it there because they were concerned by my ashen face.)
Feeling mostly better the next day, BS, B-girl and I took a day trip up to Sedona, AZ. Being a weekend, it was heavy on the touristy thing. We stayed long enough in town to pick up more than a pound or so of Buck Thorton's Beef and Buffalo Jerky's (Jerkies?) (hot, lemon pepper, smoky and original gold), as well as enough time for B-girl to ogle the chocolateria. The Sedona Pink Jeep Tours seemed cheesy, so we opted to drive to the airport, which came recommended by the local snake handler as the best spot to view the red-rocked mountains.

From there, we headed to Jerome, AZ. Jerome is "the new Sedona". As Sedona has become too much as a tourist trap, many artists are now making Jerome fresh. Jerome is an old mining town that was literally built into the side of a mountain. Practically the only route through town is a series of steep switchbacks up the face of the mountain.

We stopped at the local winery for a tasting. B-girl got her future told by the man wearing a baseball cap that read "Psychic". He predicts a change in job and location. No mention of Battlestar. Meanwhile, BS and I talked to a couple from South Dakota...outside of the "Big Heads", they didn't have much to recommend there.

We spent the night back at the Treason's supping on more superb homemade lasagna, followed by rolling around on
the deck star gazing. Battlestar and B-girl have an extremely busy month ahead with the marriage and the was great that they could get some time away to idle with me and the Treason's.

What's next: After a day or two lazing around, I will be preparing for Seismic's arrival on Wednesday. As she would say, "Yea!" or "Woo-Hoo!". After a lunch here with the Treason's, we will will be heading west to L.A. and then up the coast to S.F. Should be a 4 or 5 day adventure. I can't wait.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

GC Part 2 - Day 32

After the wonderful drive of the Southern Rim of the Grand Canyon, I decided to take a half hour helicopter tour. While many millions of people visit the GC every year, only about 200,000 take a river tour. About 400,000 people hike or take mules down into the canyon. And over 800,000 take a helicopter tour.

Just being in a helicopter is excitement enough, but to fly over the Grand Canyon in one is a thrill. Again, pictures don't do it justice. You have to see it for yourself.

But the reason I felt the description of the GC needed a Part 2 is because I am being stalked by a celebrity. I don't run into celebrities very often. But in February, I wrote a post about my brothers surprise 40th birthday party in Vegas, where I met Roger Clemens, shook his hand, and got his autograph on a $100 bet I placed for 6Pack on the Yankees winning the World Series. I neglected to mention that besides Clemens, we were also introduced to David Hasslehoff.

As I was waiting for the helicopter tour, guess who paraded in...yes, the media tarnished David Hasslehoff. (He recently was hounded by the tabloids for a drunken spectacle he made of himself.) He was preceded by two attractive women wearing black T-shirts that read, "Don't Hassle the Hoff!" His small entourage was there for the same type of helicopter tour I was taking.

They ushered him into a private room, but not before I was able to shake his hand. I said, "Mr. Hasslehoff, I was in Las Vegas for the Super Bowl, and met you there." He said, "Yeah, I was there just finishing up that...that play thing." I found it funny that he was the headliner star for "The Producers" and couldn't come up with the name of the "play".

Anyway, Battlestar and B-girl (B-girl decided she didn't like the Fiancee moniker) are visiting here in Phoenix this weekend. With their upcoming nuptials as well as their probable move to Seattle looming, it is nice that they were able to squeeze this trip in.