Snakehandler and Psychics - Battlestar and B-girl - Days 34 - 36
First let me give you all the update on the status of Battlestar and B-girl. Upon arrival in Phoenix, it was virtually certain that they would be moving from the Northeast to the Northwest...Seattle bound. Battlestar has already resigned his job, and B-girl was planning on doing it Monday. However, shortly after arrival, B-girl received a new, and potentially better, job offer in CT from a new bidder. It became only a somewhat likely probability that they would make the west coast jump. Fortunately, the Treason's and (primarily) I have been able to convince them of how great an idea it is to make "The Big Leap". And, as of now, I'm sure you'll all be glad to hear that they are back to the virtual certainty of Seattle. Oh, and they're still getting married.
The weekend started and ended with Battlestar and I out on the golf course. We played Friday at the Nick Faldo Wildfire course and I shot 100 without losing a ball; BS shot 109 and lost a dozen balls. By today, BS had straightened out his
We brought them back to Tonto for dinner. I'd love to say how incredible the food was, but I was beginning a stretch of GIRD. I didn't really eat for 24 hours, and I puked a few times. You'll have to trust the crowd consensus of approval. B-girl was so impressed with the dessert list that we ordered Tres Leches and Cheesecake Brulee to go (we didn't eat it there because they were concerned by my ashen face.)
Feeling mostly better the next day, BS, B-girl and I took a day trip up to

From there, we headed to Jerome, AZ. Jerome is "the new Sedona". As Sedona has become too much as a tourist trap, many artists are now making Jerome fresh. Jerome is an old mining town that was literally built into the side of a mountain. Practically the only route through town is a series of steep

We stopped at the local winery for a tasting. B-girl got her future told by the man wearing a baseball cap that read "Psychic". He predicts a change in job and location. No mention of Battlestar. Meanwhile, BS and I talked to a couple from South Dakota...outside of the "Big Heads", they didn't have much to recommend there.
We spent the night back at the Treason's supping on more superb homemade lasagna, followed by rolling around on the deck star gazing. Battlestar and B-girl have an extremely busy month ahead with the marriage and the was great that they could get some time away to idle with me and the Treason's.
What's next: After a day or two lazing around, I will be preparing for Seismic's arrival on Wednesday. As she would say, "Yea!" or "Woo-Hoo!". After a lunch here with the Treason's, we will will be heading west to L.A. and then up the coast to S.F. Should be a 4 or 5 day adventure. I can't wait.
Thanks again to the Treasons for their hospitality, the accomodations, the lasagna sandwiches, the old office furntiture, and the Chevy back seat on wheels. And thanks to Scully for a week's worth of slobber crammed into three days.
RT, I don't see how you can bring up snakehandlers without mentioning the way you yourself handle snakes. The story goes that TP, RT, and I were sitting around Friday morning on the patio and I pointed out a few jawbones that were on a wine rack that the Treasons keep out there. RT glanced over and then jumped out of his seat with a high-pitched shriek. TP and I wondered from whence this phobia of bones had come. Only then did RT point out the 5-foot gopher snake that was emerging from behind the wicker loveseat on their patio. All those warnings of rattlesnakes we got on the golf courses apparently had RT on edge.
I ate some awesome hot & spicy beef jerky today. The trip to Phoenix was great. The Treasons were fabulous hosts. Thank you, RT, for giving up your bed for us. I am still in negotiations for the job in Seattle. Don't these people know who I am??!!
Have fun in CA. Say hi to my mom for me! See you next weekend. Oh yeah--we're still getting married (at least as of this posting).
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