Coast to Coast and Catching Up On - Day 40
I arrived in San Francisco tonight, city of sourdough, Alcatraz, sushi, Lombard Street, Chinatown, cable cars, scenic views wherever you are, Seismic, Sis, Dix and the ReMax duo. It’s great to be back here again. When I left New Jersey it seems a year and a half ago, I didn’t really think about it. But when I arrived here tonight, I realized it. For the first time on this trip, I am back in a city that I am familiar with, that I know. It’s not home, but it is closer than I have been in a long while.
My apologies for not posting before now. When on the road with someone, it’s hard to say them, “Excuse me, but I am going to Blog now, so I won’t be able to handle a normal conversation or even acknowledge that you are speaking to me. So, please stand by for the next hour or three.” Fortunately, CuzJoe seemed to drop off early enough that I had a bit of time, but Seismic was already on West Coast Time, so I wasn’t able to keep up.
I need to catch up on the last few days. And, because this is for me, and not you, I’ve decided to do this in shorthand.
Here’s the update for Day 40: Before leaving the Yucca Valley and Larry’s, Seismic and I hiked and drove around the hills a bit, then through the largest windmill farm I could ever imagine. West to where the brontosaurus eyed my car, and we had bad cherry pie recommended by the book. The San Fernando National Park was a bit of a bust…we think it might be an amazing place when the snow from the ski resort is melting and creating waterfalls, but all we saw were dry washes followed by a standard smallish ski resort passing the summer. We followed this by taking in the true adventure of L.A. traffic…I fully support a law that requires drivers to use hands-free telephone devices when driving near L.A. At Ventura, CA I reached the Pacific Ocean for the first time…I admit, I was a bit touched by this…it’s been a such a long, long drive from Hoboken, through plush lands of the
Midwest, onto the arid and beautiful deserts of TX, NM, AZ, AZ, AZ, AZ and CA, that when finally I saw the Pacific, the powerful vastness of an OCEAN was moving…I teared up. Seismic netted us a superior room in Santa Barbara, and we saw the set sun. We had fish, fish, and the best fried clams ever. Not quite around the world in 40 days, but not bad either.
That’s a lot for a paragraph, but it was a very full day. I’ll catch up the following days in the upcoming days.
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