The Mexico Decision and Pete - Day 79
Besided UncleDave, I've been mostly connecting with the Halbeisen side of the family...don't worry youngaunt, I will get to the Murphy's soon enough when I drag CuzTina along for the trip to Jersey and perhaps drop in on CuzDanny. But tonight, I had dinner with CuzPete.
CuzPete, his very beautiful wife Dawn and their equally beautiful daughter Joey (I believe her
real name is Johana), live in a Dale named after me, just 15 minutes from the Treasons. Tonight they invited me over for dinner.

I arrived at their stunning home, forewarned by CuzPete that the place was, "A bit of a mess,
what with the baby and we're packing for an upcoming trip." I don't think he knows what a mess really looks like. Their place was as inviting as the hosts, and after a tour of the house, a great catchup with CuzPete about his business and my trip, I had a delicious, healthy home-cooked meal (for the first time in a long time) of grilled chicken over greens with lots of tasty crunchies and a Miso Ginger sauce. I think Dawn and MariaM have been getting the same info on organic and farm raised products.

If I do move to this area, both CuzPete and the Treasons agree that a good area for me might be Kierland. Thanks so much CuzPete and Dawn for a great evening!
Other than that, I ran some errands and lazed in the pool all day. It may sound like I had an easy day, but I have been working on a difficult decision: Should I drive to Puerto
Vallarta Mexico, or, go on some other probably less unique adventure? I've been swayed both ways on this trip for a while. This terrible decision is about as difficult as my life gets these days. (Yes, I am very, very, very happy.)

My first errand of the day was to go to the Mexican Consulate expecting to sit down and chat with someone about the pros and cons of the drive, get some documentation worked through in preparation, and just make sure they didn't think it was a really dumb idea. I got no answers. I clearly had impression about what a Consulate would be like that was no where near reality. The place was spilling over with (of course) Mexicans. And once inside it was like the DMV from hell. The enormous lines, confusing Spanish signs, and a bit of feeling like an oddity, prompted an about face before even getting close to the front of the "Informacion" queue.
I've probably gotten more than 30 opinions about whether I should make the drive, and 75% say I shouldn't go, or "why not fly?" including Mom, Bro, 3 different Treasons, SixPack, and many more. The ones on the go team include Sis, Mr. T, CuzJen, SWZA and formidable others. ---- Being a Democrat, I have ended up siding with the masses and will not be going to Puerto Vallarta.
The risks outweigh the rewards. So far, I have hardly hit a glitch in this journey (jinx). A trip to Mexico involves so much more luck that I think I am pushing it. I could end up with the Prius stolen and my home gone, or in a Mexican jail, or crash into a Toro (bull) or something. It's a risk I certainly want to take, but I decided it is better to wait til later in the trip. After all, Kerouack didn't do it until Part 4 of "On the Road", and he got malaria.
Plus, a new opportunity came up. Mr. T just won with a bid on eBay to acquire a new old car. There's a good chance he and I will be hitting some of Old Route 66 this weekend to drive to L.A. and pick up this 1941 Chevrolet AG Master Deluxe 2 Door Coupe:

We have no idea if the car can make it; this should be fun.
Hey UncleLarry, is the Joshua Tree cabin available? Or CuzDanny, whatcha doing on Saturday?
Scott, it was great to see you and catch up. It's funny because most our my memories of you and your family go back to when we were much younger, just kids. And after spending just a couple hours togethers, learning of your adventures and what you've been doing for the last 15 years or so, I still couldn't help but feel like I was still just a kid having a grown up conversation. Maybe that's just the part of me that talking doesn't want to grow up. Anyway, you look great. Both Dawn and I enjoyed having you over and look forward to more visits and stories of your road trips and adventures. As you probably sensed, we were very envious of what you were doing. For a little while at least, we'll probably live part of our adventurous life vicariously through you. Hope you don't mind.
It sounds like everyone in your family is doing great. Kristen, Mark, Aunt Anne and Uncle Buz, if you read this, your brother and son is doing great. Dawn, Joey and I send our best to you and your families, maybe we'll see you in Ocean City next week if you're around.
By the way Scott, being the computer wizard that I am (that's a stretch) this is the first blog I've ever read and commented on. Keep up the good work.
All my best, cuz Pete
Thanks Pete, and great job figuring out how to post a comment to a blog!
I let Ken see the new addition to Mr. T's collection. Ken asks, How many cars does that make, Dave? Eight, Nine???
Personally, I think he is jealous.
RT, you completely ignored my first question, how many books have you finished reading in your list?? Ya know, I am actually envious that you have the time to read. Being a very slow reader and having a 4 year old only makes that luxury more impossible. (I am not like Treason who can read two Steven King novels in a day.) Which was your favorite so far?
Glad to hear of the "no go" decision on Mexico.
How was gliding today? Treason was aprehensive, as I too would have been, but I am sure it was a real experience to add to your adventure list. And yours too Tia!
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