Katz's - Day 57
Today I had a treat. 6Pack, 3Pack and I headed through the Holland Tunnel and into (the dreaded) New York City. It took us about 45 minutes to drive the 3 or 4 miles to the restaurant. 6Pack thought that was making pretty good time. NYC is warped in so very many ways. In case anyone didn't already know, I have never been a fan of the big city.
But the treat was going to Katz's deli for lunch. Katz's is historic and famous and the infinite number of celebrity photos on the wall attests to this. For $14, I had a hot pastrami sandwich. If there is better pastrami in the world, I don't see how it is possible. After bellying up to the counter (and there were a lot of big bellies competing), we placed our order. The slicer guy went to the steamer and pulled out a fresh brisket, which he expertly trimmed. Before commencing
on making the sandwiches, he sliced and plated a sample of the brisket on the counter. We fingered it into our mouth, not waiting for it to cool off. Perfect, we told him, but he already knew that.

After a few more minutes of toil, he produced the Dagwood Bumstead thick sandwiches that consisted of nothing but rye bread and pastrami. The meat was cut about a quarter inch thick as anything thinner might have melted. With a bit of mustard at the table, I fork-fed myself the first inch or so of the meat before I had a sandwich I could fit in my mouth. It was spectacular. 

I spent another $35 on a pound and a half of corned beef to go ($22.95 per lb.) It was worth it and my parents and I shared it for dinner, saving about 2 sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. It's not the Grand Canyon, but it is a must if you are in the area.
On a side topic, I have been having a great time hanging out and seeing the old crew and the family, but I am beginning to get a bit antsy. I want to get back to the west coast, back to the Prius, and back to the road soon. For the first time, I am beginning to feel like an unemployed bum who hasn't gotten anywhere. I have been sleeping 8 hours a night again, even oversleeping, and I feel like I am losing the "edge" that has helped propel me so far on this trip. So, Sis and Seismic, don't be surprised if I show up on your doorstep a few days early. Any interest in Yosemite?
I agree, the corned beef sandwiches were great -- but not enough fat.
Glad you enjoyed Katz's Deli. Wanted to fill you up for your journey. No better place to do that. Next time, get a Reuben....(Now that's a sandwich!)
I know you are itching to get back to the West Coast, but you are always welcome back on the East Coast, especially where Old Blue Eyes called home........
Chill on the rush there, broseph.
We've got dinner to attend to, and maybe an embarrassing and off-key rendition of Dirty Jerz Happy Birthday for your bad self.
You, me, Beana, et.al need to share a table and a little of your roadtrip mojo before you head back out into the tarmac abyss.
We miss you, turd nugget. Spare us five minutes, will ya?!
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