Monday, May 28, 2007

It's Over - They're Married - Day 50

Battlestar and B-girl are married. It's Day 1 for them...about a million to go. The ceremony was touching, short, humorous and sweet. They did not set the land record for the shortest ceremony, but they were in the running and made a valient effort.

The reception was long, but not nearly long enough. By the time the lights were turned up, most of the guests were still in the groove having noshed on the excellent surf and turf, filled up and decimated the candy bar, danced for hours and were still left wanting for the beautiful, esoteric, and exuberant festivities to continue.

Not much else needs to be said. So here are some photos.


Battlestar said...

Well, it's been one whole day and we are still going wedded bliss as it were. Since our event was positively littered with devotees to RT's blog and since the event provided fertile ground that allowed RT to bring more folks into his readership, we'll use this as a vehicle to take another opportunity to thank all of you. You guys made our party every bit as rocking as we hoped it would be.

For everyone else who reads this, we apologize for putting the tales of RT's adventures on hold as he attended our wedding. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

peace out,

--BS and B-girl

Battlestar said...

...and a Happy Birthday to RT today.

RoadTripper said...

BS and B-girl - I didn't intend to give your wedding such short commentary, and now as I sit here, I remain disappointed that I did not espouse elaborate kudos and descriptions of how truly awesome your wedding and the weekend was.

But alas, I blame you for getting me drunk and keeping me up til 3AM each night. I was mentally unable to elaborate and had to let the pictures speak because I couldn't.

As you mentioned, a majority of my "readership" was at your wedding and thus experienced it for themselves. The "readership" that wasn't there are unable to come visit...while the Grand Canyon is eternal, your wedding is not. Your marriage is eternal, so for all who want to visit the married couple, they will hopefully be sleepless in Seattle and any night with them is a night to cherish and remember.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't leave this uncommented.

Battlestar, did you just sign off, "peace out"?

Anyway, thanks for the great weekend with close freinds and family. It was truly a wonderful experience. We wish you the best "in all your future endeavors".

Scott, great to have you back. Both in the literal and figurative sense. See you Friday/Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...glad the "surf and turd" was excellent. I'm hoping that's a typo. :-)

RoadTripper said...

Yes that was a typo and I went back and fixed the turd.