Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Off to Maine

Hello.  Do you remember me?

I am embarking on another road trip.  A small one.  Really just heading up to Maine for a go see.  Perhaps it's not a road trip.  But it has the feel of it.

The goal of this little two week excursion is pleasure.  Which makes it the same as all the other things I wrote about on this blog.  Simply, I'm going yo have as much fun as I can.  Which means I am seeking out beauty, savoring foods, and enjoying whatever comes along.  I've looked back on my previous blog posts, and I can't discern anything other than that was the purpose of the trips.

I just wrote there was no other purpose, but I do have a purpose in this state.  So for this trip, I'm heading to Maine.  I will be able to tick off my 49th state that I have visited.  Only Alaska remains.

So, I guess I'm back blogging for a week or two.  However, this trip is a bit different.  I may be camping out a bit more than usual.  This increased camping is because I am travelling with another enthusiast who owns actual camping gear like pots and pans, utensiles, coffee pot, and fishing equipment.  For the first time I will have most of the stuff needed for a multi-night camping trip.  We may even be able to hike to a camping ground and stay over night there.  And we might even catch, clean and cook our own supper.

We will perhaps be off the grid a lot, I may not be able to blog often, But I'll try to get a posting out, every so often.



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