Thursday, May 3, 2007

Rodeo Drive - Days 25-26

Thanks to Treason Pal, I sort of chilled for the last day and didn't really record my thoughts here in this blog. This blog is a bit of an interesting phenomenon to me. There are best friends who don't read it; and there are a few people I have never met, who are fans. Most of you fall somewhere in between and lean toward the former. But, I am doing this for none of you. I am doing this because of genes.

It is a well established fact that Buz, Max's Mom, Bro and I collectively have the memory of a cat. (Have you heard the story of the year all four of us forgot Mom's birthday!) We have a bad memory gene. I can meet someone, look him in the eye, shake his hand, say his name, and turn around and ask, "What was his name?". It's in the genes.

None of you will ever read this again, but I will be able to refer to this for all my knowledge about this amazing period of my life. Knowing my genes, this blog will become my memory. That's why it was nice to start off Treason Pal's adds a secont perspective, and allows me to pass a carefree day and not have to remember it. [BTW, here is the link to her blog again:]

So for my information, yesterday, I built a pool.

Today, I went about some chores and really enjoyed it. I bought some cowgirl boots for Max's Mom. I checked out the Cave Creek area for a future visit. I filled up the gas tank, whew. I got a pedicure and a MANicure. No jokes. We had a fantastic dinner at Tonto's, where the receding view was: golf course, cacti, hills, mountains, followed by low lying clouds making a prism out of the sunset. Beautiful day.

We came home from dinner to relax in front of the TV. They are still of the working (not the driving) class, so, Survivor and bed was the plan. But, the "normal" sounds under the Phoenix full moon and plentiful stars were different tonight. It was rodeo night.

When I first drove into the Treason's neighborhood, she was positioned in front of their neighbors "front yard" with bulls, waiting to welcome me to the area. Hmmm, bulls. So when we heard the herd and the loud speakers, we all got into the golf cart, went around the corner, and went to the neighbor's rodeo. Apparently, they have a mini-rodeo every Thursday night. About 50 or so of us spectators were free to watch the proceedings where the lazy bulls from Day 21 were hopping mad. None of the riders we saw could sit on them for 8 seconds. Well, except for the neighbor's three year old son, who rang the bell with his ride on the crazy sheep.

So now I know why people have bulls for pets. I still don't know why people have buffaloes (buffalo, buffalum, buffali?) for pets.

BTW, I am now going to refer to Treason Pal as TP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Manicure? Pedicure? The Arizona sun must have finally broken you.....

Did you enjoy the rodeo? So will you be getting a bull for a pet? I'm sure it'll be fun having one in an apt....... ;)

And which friends aren't looking at your blog? I'll beat them up if you want me to.........