Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lost and Memphis - Day 8

After a layover in Nowhere, IL, we saw the thick red line on the map that pointed straight to Memphis, and decided to point the Prius south. There was a scenic drive along the Ohio river that we decided to take a stab at. We failed.

So far, the Magellan GPS has been invaluable during the trip. So frequently she (I say she because of the demure voice) has kept us from turning onto the wrong highway countless times. But today, during the scenic drive, we were instructed to turn onto Bushwack Drive. After we discussed in detail what is the definition of "gravel road", and after we crossed the stream, we ended at a residence with 4 mangy dogs and a peacock? Before we heard the dueling banjo's we reversed the 5 mile detour.

Another wrong turn, and that's enough, "skip it, we're going to Memphis." Straight shot, four hours later, and I am sitting at Silky O'Sullivans listening to basking in the warmth, listening to Live Blues, drinking a Miller Lite, and pealing the meat off tender dry rub ribs. Bliss. And after checking in a few blocks away, we followed up with a feast at the Blues City Cafe.

I stopped by the Mississippi River, Old Muddy, to snap a quick shot at sundown. A couple of locals snapped the photo of me, and bummed a few dollars. Lots of outstretched hands here, and it's not easy to pass them by. Beale street is hopping, but first glance doesn't show the city is following step.

As for tomorrow, no plans. Nice.


Anonymous said...

Don't always trun around and go back -- sometimes lost is the way to go.

RoadTripper said...

In this case, there was no option. We dead ended at a private property, the owners of the peacock I suppose. The peacock got mad at us and started rising an alarm. We had no choice but to back track.

Not all who wander are lost; and not all who are lost want to ask directions of mad peacock owners.